
Helmets... Helmets.... Helmets....
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Author:  MickeyMouse [ Sat Nov 16, 2013 10:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Helmets... Helmets.... Helmets....

How many people have to get their heads busted open before people will start to wear helmets...

I just do not understand.. Is it about looking cool? How cool to you look with your head busted open..


Author:  hpfreak [ Sat Nov 16, 2013 10:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Helmets... Helmets.... Helmets....

People think because your in a cage your magically bullet proof.

Posted using the WoodsBuggy Mobile App

Author:  davidk [ Sun Nov 17, 2013 1:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Helmets... Helmets.... Helmets....

Have u noticed most of these recent injuries have been in sxs's??

Posted using my iPhone :mrgreen:

Author:  afterburnt [ Sun Nov 17, 2013 1:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Helmets... Helmets.... Helmets....

davidk wrote:
Have u noticed most of these recent injuries have been in sxs's??

Posted using my iPhone :mrgreen:

thats because their roll cages are made from muffler pipe from a yugo.

Author:  MickeyMouse [ Sun Nov 17, 2013 3:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Helmets... Helmets.... Helmets....

I agree the roll cages in the SxS buggies are not built to withstand a series roll. Most buggies are built well but even a buggy can collapse in the right circumstance.


Author:  buggybarn [ Sun Nov 17, 2013 12:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Helmets... Helmets.... Helmets....

My opinion a buggy is way more safer than a sxs. Look at hillaholics rolls and all the others. a sxs is a 4 wheeler with with some thin tubes for a cage to make u feel safe. I'm gonna catch hell for this I'm sure the sxs wasn't intended to climb some of the hills they try. I've seen them in person and I sure as heck wouldn't climb anything in one. Everything from buggies . Sxs. And rock crawlers each have there capabilities you push them bad things will happen .

Author:  bradley59dzl [ Sun Nov 17, 2013 5:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Helmets... Helmets.... Helmets....

davidk wrote:
Have u noticed most of these recent injuries have been in sxs's??

Posted using my iPhone :mrgreen:

Have you also noticed there is 10's of thousand more sxs's than buggys?

Posted using the WoodsBuggy Mobile App

Author:  bradley59dzl [ Sun Nov 17, 2013 5:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Helmets... Helmets.... Helmets....

MickeyMouse wrote:
How many people have to get their heads busted open before people will start to wear helmets...

I just do not understand.. Is it about looking cool? How cool to you look with your head busted open..


Just like motorcycle riders.. They make own judgement to or not to wear one. If you want to wear one then so be it.

Posted using the WoodsBuggy Mobile App

Author:  bradley59dzl [ Sun Nov 17, 2013 5:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Helmets... Helmets.... Helmets....

afterburnt wrote:
davidk wrote:
Have u noticed most of these recent injuries have been in sxs's??

Posted using my iPhone :mrgreen:

thats because their roll cages are made from muffler pipe from a yugo.

I've seen buggies that are so poorly put together I was afraid for the owners..

Posted using the WoodsBuggy Mobile App

Author:  2800passat [ Sun Nov 17, 2013 5:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Helmets... Helmets.... Helmets....

I always wear an$18 skate board helmet. I had a bad flip once and I would have paid $18k just b4 I tagged the windshield arch. Your neck will stretch. People laugh but hey! I'm not the one who has to look at how silly I look. They are. Wear it for your kids , bros and sis,etc. Just think. You die and someone else will lay in your bed , smoke your pipe, sell your tools, woop your kids, disrespect your wife. There. Had enough? :o I was in that position once and had to get out of his bed and take his picture off his wall and lay it face down on his dresser. Gee I'm a nice guy! :roll:

Author:  MickeyMouse [ Sun Nov 17, 2013 6:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Helmets... Helmets.... Helmets....

bradley59dzl wrote:
MickeyMouse wrote:
How many people have to get their heads busted open before people will start to wear helmets...

I just do not understand.. Is it about looking cool? How cool to you look with your head busted open..

Just like motorcycle riders.. They make own judgement to or not to wear one. If you want to wear one then so be it.

There are a few difference between riding a motorcycle and Off Roading.

- People ride Motorcycles on public roads with their own insurance. Off Road Parks spend the majority of their revenue on insurance and the more injuries the more insurance will cost. Unfortunately, WoodsBuggies and SxS's are lumped together in the insurance company eyes.

- If people keep getting hurt and killed, the government will begin to outlaw and ban off roading. Tree Hugging Activists are always looking for another reason to shut down our sport. Lets not give them any preventable reasons.

At the end of the day.. Why not wear a helmet?

Author:  hpfreak [ Sun Nov 17, 2013 6:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Helmets... Helmets.... Helmets....

2800passat wrote:
I always wear an$18 skate board helmet. I had a bad flip once and I would have paid $18k just b4 I tagged the windshield arch. Your neck will stretch. People laugh but hey! I'm not the one who has to look at how silly I look. They are. Wear it for your kids , bros and sis,etc. Just think. You die and someone else will lay in your bed , smoke your pipe, sell your tools, woop your kids, disrespect your wife. There. Had enough? :o I was in that position once and had to get out of his bed and take his picture off his wall and lay it face down on his dresser. Gee I'm a nice guy! :roll:

Posted using the WoodsBuggy Mobile App

Author:  buggybarn [ Sun Nov 17, 2013 11:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Helmets... Helmets.... Helmets....

A helmet is a good idea don't get wrong . its a combination of a lot of things that get people hur or killed . When I was at rush I seen coutless dirt bike riders with no helmet. Well I see them everywhere . You see a drunk guy on a fourwheeler with a girl on back climbing hills. I'm not disagreeing with the. Sxs thing yes there are a lot of them out there and yes they are capable machines but as with everyoffoad toy you take a risk when you go play . And as far as having your cage just inches from your head that askin to get hurt. A helmet is a good idea on anything you take offroading .

Author:  Rick [ Tue Nov 19, 2013 8:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Helmets... Helmets.... Helmets....

I bought a helmet this year took it every week end that i went, only problem was it stayed in my truck :?

Author:  apintonut [ Fri Feb 21, 2014 3:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Helmets... Helmets.... Helmets....

It just needs to be law any orv helmet required
You cant go to any race track any class with out helmet why would you want to? Why should an orv park of any kind be different?

Also i seen some one mentioned material. When i built my first buggy .095 erw 1.5" was slandered. Now it seems everybody is 1.75 .120 dom and some people actually got mad at me for running 1.5" .095 erw. If i build one again it will be all dom.

Author:  Bubbalowe [ Fri Feb 21, 2014 9:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Helmets... Helmets.... Helmets....

apintonut wrote:
It just needs to be law any orv helmet required
You cant go to any race track any class with out helmet why would you want to? Why should an orv park of any kind be different?
This country is bloated enough with counterproductive laws. It is the insurance companies which require park owners to stipulate helmet use based on the vehicle manufacturerers sticker. Buggies fall outside of this because they don't have a manufacturer's sticker.

Also i seen some one mentioned material. When i built my first buggy .095 erw 1.5" was slandered. Now it seems everybody is 1.75 .120 dom and some people actually got mad at me for running 1.5" .095 erw. If i build one again it will be all dom.

Author:  apintonut [ Fri Feb 21, 2014 6:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Helmets... Helmets.... Helmets....

This country is bloated enough with counterproductive laws. It is the insurance companies which require park owners to stipulate helmet use based on the vehicle manufacturerers sticker. Buggies fall outside of this because they don't have a manufacturer's sticker.

Yah race tracks require helmet the vehicles on them have no manufacturers labels either Yet they require them. Just using it as a fair comparison

I agree with the point of this thread.
Just a sighn at these places stating the obvious plz where helmets. In all orv use. Whats wrong with making it easyer on the orv parks and putting the responsibility back onto the ones that make poor distinctions

Author:  Psycho Alpha [ Fri Feb 21, 2014 6:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Helmets... Helmets.... Helmets....

Ohio doesn't require helmets to ride motorcycles but I choose to where one.
The OHV club I belong to does not require them in a sxs and I choose not to. But does on a dike or quad (ins)
I always wear a helmet on dirtbike because if your not wrecking your not riding hard enough.
I have had several concussions on bike while wearing a helmet but never in a buggy or sxs without one. I'm not saying it won't happen odds are just less. Now if I ever try Crazy Horse in buggy I will put one on. lol

IMO It all comes down to personal preference and having the freedom to choose. :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Author:  2800passat [ Sat Feb 22, 2014 12:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Helmets... Helmets.... Helmets....

Exactly. Basicly if ya have a $10 head then wear a $10 helmet. And when people kill their selves doing stupidity. WE have to clean up the mess! It's like mountain climbers. They get stranded and they expect warm people to go find them. Drowning people expect dry people to swim. Here's another. Life insurance does not pay on suicide. But you can chain smoke or down hard liquor and that is not suicide. Here's another. I do not qualify for fed. programs, irs rules, ira penalties,V.A., etc, because I own a 2nd home. It's just a money pit, BUT, if I sell it and piss it away on crack, I QUALIFY!

Author:  nitro_mudder [ Sun Feb 23, 2014 10:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Helmets... Helmets.... Helmets....

Ok, so what are some lightweight options so your neck is ok.

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