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Author:  ImmortalSoul219 [ Fri Mar 05, 2010 8:13 am ]
Post subject:  END THE WAR!

Im tired of hearing health care this and health care that. In my opinion if you wanted united health care move to Canada.

But what Im really pissed about is this health care deal trying to over shadow whats really going on. The war and when its going to end and BRING OUR TROOPS HOME!

As a vet myself, that was my number one reason for Obama for office. Now it seems to be on the back burners of the news.

There's always going to be bad people in the world trying to harm the good people of the world. Thats the way it is and always will be. We have taken care of the major threat so I think its time to end this. We can better use this money for the war to increase our security here at home instead of on the war.

We are not the global police!

Author:  Odyknuck [ Fri Mar 05, 2010 9:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: END THE WAR!

The simple truth is if the War is not fought over there (or any other country for that matter) then the War will be fought here. Make your choice! It is a no brainer in my opinon.

Author:  dunebuggynut [ Fri Mar 05, 2010 12:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: END THE WAR!

I've seen the camparisons between the 12th Imam & the return of the anti-christ & all I know for sure is anybody who supports that idiotic religion needs to be EXTERMINATED. If you believe that I need to get on my knees 5 times a day & worship the anti-christ or I should be killed, then your radical Islamic ass needs to be run through a wood chipper.

Im not real big on religion & I have no problem with Jews, Buddhists or anyone else as long as I am left alone. I dont mind prayer in school or the 10 commandments on the side of a courthouse but I dont PAY to PRAY. I say kill em all over there so we dont have to deal with em here. I WANT OUR SOLDIERS HANDS UNTIED SO THEY CAN DO THE JOB RIGHT!

I dare those savages to try to put my daughter in a Burka or force me to pray to the Devil. If they think Im threatened by a beheading wait till I show them what my twisted mind can come up with. COME ON SAVAGE....F@CK WITH ME....I DARE YOU !!!

Author:  ridenrace6 [ Fri Mar 05, 2010 2:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: END THE WAR!

Odyknuck wrote:
The simple truth is if the War is not fought over there (or any other country for that matter) then the War will be fought here. Make your choice! It is a no brainer in my opinon.

this is so true

Author:  ImmortalSoul219 [ Fri Mar 05, 2010 7:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: END THE WAR!

ridenrace6 wrote:
Odyknuck wrote:
The simple truth is if the War is not fought over there (or any other country for that matter) then the War will be fought here. Make your choice! It is a no brainer in my opinon.

this is so true

I believed in this when the war started and was one of the governments main arguments of why to go to war. But now years later I think we are past this. I say we bring our men and women home and use this money that was for the war on boarder patrol and more cops!

Author:  harleyhunter05 [ Tue Mar 09, 2010 8:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: END THE WAR!

We need more cops like a hole in the head - give me back the right to bust somebodys mouth when they need it - shoot the pricks that rob us -- or mayb get rid of the scumbag lawyers and judges that let the criminals walk and we don't need more doughnut eaters

Author:  ImmortalSoul219 [ Tue Mar 09, 2010 8:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: END THE WAR!

harleyhunter05 wrote:
We need more cops like a hole in the head - give me back the right to bust somebodys mouth when they need it - shoot the pricks that rob us -- or mayb get rid of the scumbag lawyers and judges that let the criminals walk and we don't need more doughnut eaters

Yeah but its just like everything else in the world. Theres good cops and bad cops. But in my eyes all politicians are corrupt. Im just saying we need more cops at the boarders and apparently at airports since F&%^ers have to go hi jacking plains.

Author:  dunebuggynut [ Tue Mar 09, 2010 10:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: END THE WAR!

ImmortalSoul219 wrote:
harleyhunter05 wrote:
We need more cops like a hole in the head - give me back the right to bust somebodys mouth when they need it - shoot the pricks that rob us -- or mayb get rid of the scumbag lawyers and judges that let the criminals walk and we don't need more doughnut eaters

Yeah but its just like everything else in the world. Theres good cops and bad cops. But in my eyes all politicians are corrupt. Im just saying we need more cops at the boarders and apparently at airports since F&%^ers have to go hi jacking plains.

Its not just politicians that are corrupt, its the people that pull their strings, the parties themselves & the system that is way out of control. This crap is 180 degrees away from the Constitution & the forefathers would have everybody shot for treason if they were here today. Protecting the sovereignty of the country is the only job allowed by the constitution & the clowns in DC ignore this one daily. They are caught up with trying to make rights appear out of thin air like health care. It cant be a right if somebody else has to foot the bill for your right. Rights come from god....not men & men who give us so called rights can also take them away.

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